November 14, 2020

Emmanuel Booz ‎– Dans Quel État J'erre (1979, LP, France)

1. L'ôde aux Rats (16:08)
2. La Symphonie Catastrophique (9:50)
3. Armoire et Persil (8:29)

Jean-Claude D'Agostini/ guitar
Charlie Charrieras/ bass
Maurice Mathias/ drums
Gilles Tinayre/ keyboards, synthesizer, piano
Didier Lockwood/ violin
Jean-Louis Mahjun/ alto violin
Gérard Pisani/ bass clarinet, soprano, bugle
Philippe Briche/ piano
Roger Doereux/ electronic piano
Pierre Blanchard/ violin
Jean Schultheis/ drums
Gérard Levavasseur / bass

Totally weird, and fantastic! Kind of experimental prog-rock/proto-rap/slam fusion. One of the most bizarre French rock albums ever made. (rym)