A1. Karottorokokrockokrokorock (Elephant Nilson) (20:55)
B1. Tiokronorspolkan (6:48)
B2. Sambahmadu (13:45)
Baritone Saxophone, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon – Christer Holm
Bass Trombone, Flugelhorn – Lennart Löfgren
Bass, Vocals – Kaj Söderström
Drums – Henrik Hildén
Guitar, Violin, Vocals – Christer Jansson
Piano, Organ, Synthesizer [Mini-moog], Violin, Vocals – Thomas Jutterström
Piccolo Flute, Flute, Alto Flute, Soprano Saxophone, Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone – Torbjörn Carlsson
Trumpet, Flugelhorn – Leif Halldén
Splash's self-titled second album from 1974, takes the band from their American horn rock styled debut, and stretches out into 3 lengthy tracks. It gives us the listener a what-if scenario as to what Chicago Transit Authority might have sounded like were they part of the European jazz underground rather than held hostage to commercial aspirations and AM/FM radio demands. Of the 3 aforementioned pieces, the highlight for me is the near 14 minute closer 'Sambahmadu', with its intriguing mix of Latin styled jazz rock and Asiatic themes. (ashratom)
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