THE HAT SHOES, are yet another side group of both Charles Hayward and Tom Cora. The quartet consists of Bill Gilonis, Catherine Jauniaux, Charles Hayward and Tom Cora, with Hahn Rowe making guest appearances. Respective of the musicians' influences and backgrounds, their sound finds a familiar and homely atmosphere.
The group has only produced two albums. Their first "Differently Desperate" ['91], crafts quirky progressive pop made famous by Slapp Happy. While sugar coated in childish nonsense, the song writing is top notch, weaving vague melodies through deliberately complex patterns and arrangements. Creating a dissonant but digestible album.
After a ten-year hiatus, THE HAT SHOES make a triumphant return with 'Home' ['02]. The quartet now stripped down to Catherine Jauniaux, Bill Gilonis and [new guest member] Martin Spühler. The album flirts their distinctive persona while expanding a more percussive sound with Martin Spühler's personally made instruments.
THE HAT SHOES is bound to please fans of the lighter face of RIO. For the lover intelligent and thoughtfully prog with a touch of romanticism.
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