Lado A
1. Entre Las Cinco y Las Seis
2. Los Llamados
3. Detrás de Un Cristal
4. Buscad Un Puerto
5. Un Tema Para Adán
6. Avalon
7. Crisis
Lado B
8. Parábola
9. Un Hombre Avanza
10. Blues de Esteban
11. Visiones
12. Los Hijos
13. La Ley Inexorable
14. El Orfebre
15. Final
Jose Luis Fernandez Ledesma: Teclados, Voz, Percusiones
Luis Miguel Lombada: Voz, Bajo
Alejandro Schmidt: Guitarra Eléctrica, Guitarra Acústica, Bajo, Percusiones
Sergio De Régules: Piano, Teclados, Percusiones
Mauricio Romero: Sonido e Iluminación en Concierto
Composición y Arreglos: Nirgal
Programación de la batería Electrónica: J.L. Fernandez Ledesma, A. Schmidt, S. de Regules sobre los Arreglos de L.M Lombana
Grabado en el Estudio de J.L. Fernandez Ledesma entre julio de 1990 y enero de 1991
Grabacion: J.L. Fernandez Ledesma y A. Schmidt
Mezcla: J.L. Fernandez Ledesma, A. Schmidt, S. de Regules
Edicion del Master: S. de Regules
NIRGAL VALLIS was a Mexican group that released one album in the eighties. The line-up of the group was: JOSE LUIS FERNANDEZ LEDESMA (keyboards, jaranas, kalimba, recorders, acoustic twelve string guitar), Ramon Nakash (acoustic and electric violins, mandolin, tenor recorder), Alejandro Schmidt (acoustic and electric twelve string guitars), Rafael Gonzalez (percussion) and Claudia Martinez de Alba (voice). Ledesma, Nakash and Schmidt who were high school friends founded the group.
The only album "Y Murio la Tarde" was released in 1985. The music in this album is very mellow symphonic progressive and it has a strong folk influence. The group reunited for a period of time and recorded some new tracks for the re-release of the album and the 1995 released version by Musea Records includes these new tracks. This is an enjoyable Mexican album that should please fans of folk oriented symphonic.
NIRGAL VALLIS was the first group of Jose Luis Fernandez Ledesma Q. who is one of the most-known Mexican progressive musicians nowadays. He has released many solo albums and also albums in contribution with singer/composer Alquimia. (progarchives)
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