Lato A
A1 Terrorismo (2:33)
A2 Indagine (3:04)
A3 Attimo Tragico (2:16)
A4 Attimo Tragico - 2 Version (2:30)
A5 Fascia Ossessiva (3:05)
A6 Ipertensione Ossessiva (3:11)
A7 Action (2:21)
Lato B
B1 Strategia Della Tensione (3:05)
B2 Attentato (3:08)
B3 Attentato - 2 Version (3:15)
B4 Psicosi Oggi (2:56)
B5 Mafia (2:23)
B6 High Tension (2:34)
'High Tension' is a masterpiece of moog fx with jazz rhythm. Check out the title track 'High Tension', where B-movie style basslines meet deep funky drums and hypnotic piano riffs. Also check the track 'Strategia Della Tensione'-heavy jazzy fast drums with techno style fx... Dope!
'High Tension' is a masterpiece of moog fx with jazz rhythm. Check out the title track 'High Tension', where B-movie style basslines meet deep funky drums and hypnotic piano riffs. Also check the track 'Strategia Della Tensione'-heavy jazzy fast drums with techno style fx... Dope!
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