December 17, 2008

YUGEN PLAYS LEDDI - Uova fatali (2008, ITA, CD)

[…]. If the austerity of Labirinto d’acqua (2006) alluded to that legacy, with Uova fatali the claim is explicit: a project devoted to a music both unique and off the market, not very prone to cliché and to the passivity of a careless audience; an investment that – as Leddi says – does not yield money but only happiness, a generous act of musicians dragged into the studio only by their passion for this particular music and for the one who has kept it in the drawer for such a long time. From the extremely rich Leddian catalog, Zago, Marinone and Yugen pick their orchestral favorites: all instrumental, children of a clear inspiration, complex without being self-gratifying. These are notes that demand attention, cause thinking, rediscover the taste for perspective and experience, persuaded that this is only way for the work to reveal. Irony and fun are there too, in the titles, so little prog (can we mention Mattarello without a smile?), and in the music, impassively lavish with fake tarantas and masked waltzes, danceable algorithms and «Japanese mazurkas». […]Leddi serves the cause waving not the Conductor baton but a rather anachronistic mandolin, of which Yugen will hardly want to do without and that in Sviluppi goes back to breathe a family air, because of the many Stormy Six frames from Megafono, Carmine, Barbiere, Picnic. A red thread detectable also in the illustrations of Piero Leddi, maker of covers for that band and here instigating the hens (peaceful?) invasion of piazza Duomo. [dalle note di copertina di Alessandro Achilli e Paolo Chang per Yugen plays Leddi – Uova fatali] Guests: Michele Epifani (Areknames), Mario Arcari (De Andrè, Fossati, Ensemble Havadià…), Alberto Morelli (Dissoi Logoi, F.De Andrè, Paolo Fresu, Uncode Duello) and many others...
Yugen live at "2008 Altrock Festival - Italy": Catacresi 5, Escher 2